Saturday, January 28, 2012

Lacuna: demons of the void

January  28, 2012

 TITLE:  Lacuna: Demons of  the Void

Author:  David Adams

Found it at the book store?
Saw it for free on the web?
Thought it sounded interesting?

Don't  waste  your time or money.  It tries
to be a romance/thriller/sci fi all in one.   That does
not work.   It has facets of all three but they don't combine
well.  And the sex?  I have no idea unless it was added to make
a better sale.

The main character, a navy officer, has extreme control and self-worth issues.  Will they be worked out sufficiently?  Will she become a more likeable character?  In my opinion, NO.

I have not researched the author, but it reads like a first novel.  The writing gets better as the story moves along.  However, there are still too many unbelievable events.  Example,  Earth goes from what seems to be just barely in the future,  to suddenly building 3 massive star ships that work immediately.  They stay in space for several months with no mention of fuel intake or usage.  And there are other items of science that just don't combine realistically.

Summary:  Earth space is suddenly invaded by unknown aliens with massive futuristic technology.  They completely destroy 3 major cities, and send a message saying "Do not continue with this technology."
Of course, the Space Federation must retaliate.  And the story proceeds.......


  1. I guess I'll skip this one. :)

    Good luck with your new blog, Ann!

  2. Looking forward to seeing more posts.

  3. Well that is too bad that your opening post on blogging had to be about a bummer book. Then again you have only have one direction to go now, up! :)

    I don't mind science not being adequately explained in a book but in order for me to pass over it I need to have a really good story. This sounds like it didn't manage to do that at all.

    Welcome to the blogging world, I hope you'll keep up with it. Look forward to seeing what you do next.
